Partners & Supporters​

The CyberPeace Institute is appreciative of the support and partnerships it has with the following organizations

CyberPeace Builders

The program assists NGOs in building cybersecurity capacity through a trusted and dedicated network of corporate partners who provide volunteers and funding to enable the provision of this support.

A wide range of NGOs acting locally, regionally and internationally are assisted through the CyberPeace Builders program.

What our Partners Mean to Us

Our Impact

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Our Donors

CyberPeace Institute
Alexis ALLEY
CyberPeace Institute
Alexis ALLEY
CyberPeace Institute
Alexis ALLEY
CyberPeace Institute
Alexis ALLEY

Interested in becoming a partner?

Join our global community of more than 70 partners and supporters

Working groups, coalitions and initiatives​

We collaborate with like-minded organisations and initiatives to protect the most vulnerable in cyberspace.