Submissions to UN Fora

The CyberPeace Institute follows several ongoing processes at the United Nations as they relate to the construction of cyberpeace and protection of cyberspace at the international level. As a civil society organisation, the Institute contributes a human-centric perspective and offers concrete recommendations to be considered during the discussions and negotiations. The Institute is a strong advocate for a multistakeholder approach, and therefore collaborates with other entities on common areas of interest.

CyberPeace Institute Statements

" Our contributions to ongoing discussions and negotiations at the United Nations endeavor to advance the role of international law and norms governing the behaviour of actors in cyberspace. Through our evidence led approach, we particularly focus on voicing the ways people are affected and strengthening accountability."
Charlotte LINDSEY
Chief Public Policy Officer, CyberPeace Institute

OEWG - Quick Guide for NGOs

Aide memoire for non-governmental organizations and other non-governmental entities.

UN Cybersecurity Processes

An easy-to-understand overview of the international negotiations on peace and security in the digital space.