Nonprofit Cyber Solutions Index

CyberPeace Institute

The Nonprofit Cyber Solutions Index is the first comprehensive index of actual cybersecurity capabilities provided by the NGO community. In particular, the index identifies a large selection of free or low-cost cybersecurity capabilities for individuals, NGOs and nonprofits, small businesses, and others left behind in the current environment. Other solutions, such as information sharing platforms for enterprises, cybersecurity companies, and governments are also included.

The Solutions Index includes 120 solutions from 23 Nonprofit Cyber members. The Index can be used as a “finding aid” to find, for example, the solutions provided that are intended for NGOs, nonprofits and charities.

The Solutions Index includes comprehensive information on each solution, including:

  • What organization is providing the solution;
  • Who is the audience, for example, individuals, NGOs, charities, or cybersecurity companies;
  • What the solutions does;
  • To whom is the solution available; and
  • Where the solutions can be found.

The Index is published and maintained by the Nonprofit Cyber, the first-of-its-kind coalition of implementation-focused cybersecurity nonprofits to collaborate, work together on projects, voluntarily align activities to minimize duplication and increase mutual support, and link the community to key stakeholders with a shared communication channel.

© Copyright 2023: The concepts and information contained in this document are the property of the CyberPeace Institute, an independent non-governmental organization headquartered in Geneva, unless indicated otherwise from time to time throughout the document. This document may be reproduced, in whole or in part, provided that the CyberPeace Institute is referenced as author and copyright holder.


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