NGO Series: TRIAL International

CyberPeace Institute
Alexis ALLEY

TRIAL International is a beacon of hope in the pursuit of justice for survivors of international crimes, taking a bold stance in the fight against impunity. We join Chiara Gabriele, Senior Legal Adviser at TRIAL International, to explore their commitment to justice against serious violations, including genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, sexual violence, and more. Embracing technology, TRIAL International innovativly enhances its mission and accountability efforts, extending its reach and impact.

Charia Gabriele
Senior Legal Adviser, TRIAL International

In a world where technology has transcended geographical boundaries, organizations like TRIAL International are leveraging it to increase access to victims and survivors in high-risk areas, facilitate immediate evidence collection, and encourage global collaboration (among others). Recognizing the pivotal role of technology, TRIAL International integrates it in its innovative strategies and responsibly utilises its advancements to combat impunity. The organization values the importance of collecting and using digital evidence, even in what are usually considered low-tech contexts.

For instance, in 2018, a mobile court in the Democratic Republic of Congo admitted as evidence digital photography captured using ready-for-court technology, establishing the perpetration of crimes against humanity. Lawyers representing victims in the case, supported by TRIAL International, utilized this footage to prove the context, the loss of civilian life and the impact of the crimes committed on the civilian population. The case resulted in the conviction of the two milita leaders. 

The use of technology, like satellite imagery, has also proven invaluable in documenting other forms of crimes such as environmental violations. In 2021, lawyers supported by TRIAL International, using this technology, demonstrated the extent of deforestation in a UNESCO national park site, leading to the acknowledgment of environmental crimes and subsequent condemnation of the responsible militia leader by the Court.

Partnerships and collaborations are essential in handling international crime cases. TRIAL International optimizes technology to facilitate virtual collaboration amongst its legal teams and ground partners. Using encrypted platforms, professionals from around the world, including local civil societies, participate in strategic discussions, advocating for survivors and promoting justice.

By integrating technology into its fundamental operations, TRIAL International is expanding its reach, fostering global collaboration, and creating an atmosphere ripe for justice and accountability, thus showcasing its unwavering dedication to establishing a world ruled by justice.

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