NGO Series: AIDS Resource

CyberPeace Institute
Alexis ALLEY

In the evolving landscape of non-profit organizations, technology has emerged as a catalyst for positive change. Jessica Annis, Research and Program Development Coordinator at AIDS Resource, emphasizes “the role of technology as a key enabler in their mission”. Working closely with the CyberPeace Builders to fortify their cybersecurity, this US-based organization is dedicated to providing HIV care and prevention services. In this blog post, we delve into how technology has transformed their work, bridged gaps, and empowered individuals in the fight against HIV.

The realm of HIV care and prevention has witnessed a remarkable transformation, thanks to technology’s immense potential. Jessica highlights how AIDS Resource effectively uses various digital platforms to connect with beneficiaries, ensuring their seamless access to life-saving resources. By harnessing these digital tools, the organization has not only expanded its reach but also transformed its support systems, fostering a positive impact on the fight against HIV.

Information is a powerful tool, and AIDS Resource understands this well. Their websites and online portals serve as comprehensive platforms, providing education materials, policies, and support services. These valuable resources empower clients with accessible information anytime, anywhere. Adopting real-time communication channels such as email, instant messaging, and video conferencing establishes a supportive environment where clients can readily seek guidance from their dedicated staff.

AR Health, the new health care clinic of AIDS Resource, stands as a shining example of progress. The implementation of an electronic health record system streamlines care coordination and enhances patient safety. Patients can schedule appointments, access medical records, view test results, and communicate with staff through a user-friendly online platform, improving convenience and communication.

As AIDS Resource continues to embrace innovative solutions, their humanitarian efforts are anticipated to make an even more profound and lasting impact on the lives of individuals impacted by HIV. The CyberPeace Builders, a partner in this journey, proudly support AIDS Resource in securing their digital transformation and humanitarian efforts.

To learn more about AIDS Resource and their groundbreaking work, visit: 

AIDS Resource website:

AIDS Resource Facebook: 

AIDS Resource YouTube: 

AR Health website:

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