The Cyber Incident Tracer #HEALTH (CIT) is a data platform about cyberattacks which disrupt the delivery of healthcare, compromise sensitive healthcare-related data, and have an impact on patients, healthcare professionals, facilities and organizations. The platform provides data-driven understanding of the impact of cyberattacks on healthcare.
Following the publishing of its Strategic Analysis Report, Playing with Lives: Cyberattacks on Healthcare are Attacks on People a significant gap was identified in the availability of information relating to cyberattacks on the healthcare sector on a global scale. The Cyber Incident Tracer #HEALTH endeavours to shrink the information gap.
We believe the disparities and gaps in the reporting and availability of data on cyberattacks against the healthcare sector, enables these attacks to continue. The CIT #HEALTH is a platform that traces these attacks in an effort to provide reliable data to inform policy making, encourage stronger reporting and transparency relating to cyberattacks, to improve both the understanding of the threat and the ability to take appropriate action to reduce it in the future.
Through the collection and analysis of the data collected to date we are able to provide preliminary indications of the scale and impact of attacks on the healthcare sector.
The Institute is releasing the CIT #HEALTH now to raise the level of urgency and reiterate the call to stop cyberattacks on healthcare, highlighting key areas where further action can be taken to better protect healthcare. We have also identified several areas for potential collaboration to further strengthen and develop the platform.